Devblog #5

Hello! Long time no see! I have been away for some time so updates regarding the game has been lacking. Anyway. I found the name Zed Huntdown a bit too near another game-name. So I came up with a new name that I think fits the game much better, Zed Fest. I sat in Photoshop to come up with a fitting logo and made one that I´m very satisfied with. A lot of functions have been implemented in the menus. UI-refinement and an easier implementation if adding more characters to chose from. You can preview the characters you haven´t bought, but they will be filled with black. Once you purchase the character, it is unlocked and free to use whenever you like.

Each class has their own perks that you unlock every 5 levels, up to level 20. What each and every perk should do for the respective class is not done yet, but think 10%HP or 20% Armor, Runspeed or added ammoslots, +5% extra money etc etc.

Another implementation is the loadout, you can buy and unlock weapons from the main menu which will be saved to your selected class. Every class has their own weapons to choose from. Assault have rifles, sub-machine guns, Stalker have Pump-shotgun, automatic shotgun with explosive projectiles etc. Your loadout will follow along into the lobby and finally into the different gamemodes.

Another feature is skins for the weapons which you can unlock by completing objectives or buying them directly with ingame currency.

The personal stats window is not completely done yet except the UI-layout. In this window you will be able to see information such as total zed kill amount, playtime, shots fired among many other things.

In the leaderboard section you can check the highest scores on each map and compare with people from all over the globe.

In an earlier Devblog I talked about the bloodsplash being performance heavy since it actually spawned a decal with a blood texture. But since I wanted the blood to be persistent and stay throughout the game I had to try other possibilities. What I did was to have the blood material already inside the mesh material and blend in the blood material at the location the bodyparts landed. No performance loss since the blood is technically already in place, but invisible at first. So be prepared to step in blood after a few waves :).

Defeat/Victory Screen (WIP): When you succeded all waves, or got defeated, a window with some information will pop up. Stats about the game will show and you can compare your results with your Squad mates.

That´s all for todays Devblog, see you all soon! 🙂